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Sunday, August 27, 2006Google speadsheets- Realtime sharing
Do learn more see below: Google has announced Google Spreadsheets [spreadsheet.google.com] which is a web based spreadsheet based on XL2Web software from 2Web Technologies. You can sort data or use the 200 functions and common spreadsheet formulas for doing basic calculations of numerical data. Industry experts feel that Google Spreadsheets may pose a threat to Microsoft Excel but I think otherwise. Though Google says it's working on improving printing, charts, filtering and "drag and drop" features, in the current state Google Spreadsheet may offer competition to other web-based spreadsheet software like NumSum, ZohoSheet, JotSpot Tracker, iRows or wikiCalc but not to the rock-solid Microsoft Excel. They are still miles apart.To prevent the initial heavy rush of users, Google will only invite undisclosed number of users tojoin the initial trial phase on a first-come, first-served basis. How do I sign up for Google Spreadsheets? Google Spreadsheets allows import of spreadsheets from CSV or Microsoft XLS format without loosing the formulas or cell formatting.Google Spreadsheet can be saved in XLS, CSV or HTML formats.The spreadsheet document can be shared using Google Talk. People can edit or view your spreadsheet at the same time as you - their names will appear in an on-screen chat window.Google Spreadsheet Help Try out Google Spreadsheets Labels: stories ![]() ![]()
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