Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Maurtius – Financial Heaven
Investing IN Maurtius
Foreign investment is always welcomed in Mauritius. A wide range of incentives and facilities geared towards foreign direct investment and institutional investors are offered in various sectors of the economy - manufacturing, services, freeport, information communication technology, tourism, construction, agriculture and global business. Companies operating in these sectors are subject to tax at a lower rate of 15% instead of the normal corporate tax rate of 25%. Incentives can also take the form of a redemption or exemption of customs or excise duties on imports of equipment, raw materials. Depending on the type of scheme, loans can be obtained at preferential rates as well. Moreover, dividends paid to shareholders are tax-exempt- great tax planning tool
Investing THROUGH Mauritius
Multinationals and foreign investors, including major investment funds, use Mauritius as a base for investing in other countries. This is primarily because the combination of Double Taxation Treaties between Mauritius and these countries, and the domestic low tax regime makes fiscal planning advantageous to them. In addition, Mauritius provides high quality professional services and modern information and communication technologies. Mauritius is also an attractive platform for investment in African countries, enabling investors who register their companies in the country to protect themselves from political and economic instability, over-regulated fiscal regimes and exchange control constraints in Africa. Mauritius also guarantees tax-free repatriation of funds.
Many companies are taking benefits of tax regime in Mauritius. Mainly IT and ITES. They invest in countries having global outsourcing benefits and route that investment through Mauritius, there by planning there financial very well.Labels: stories
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
12:54 PM ::

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