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Friday, August 24, 2007TidalFish
more at:http://www.tidalfish.com/ Labels: Forgotten Facts, human resource, Money Making ![]() ![]()
JustAddMoney.com is an easy way to know exactly how much you have earned, spent, and saved up to the moment
More at :http://www.justaddmoney.com/ Labels: Forgotten Facts, human resource, Money Making ![]() ![]()
Thursday, August 23, 2007With Pamfax you can send faxes anywhere in the world using Skype credits
More at:http://www.pamfax.biz/ Labels: Forgotten Facts, human resource, Money Making ![]() ![]()
SimpleAds is a cheap way to advertise your website. At only $8 per ad, per month, it is very cheap. Each ad goes into the draw to win whatever the current prize is. You can see the current prize in the banner above. More at:http://www.simpleads.co.nz/ Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology ![]() ![]()
More at: http://www.stocks.us/ ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, August 22, 2007DigitalBucket
More at:http://digitalbucket.net/ Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology ![]() ![]()
Finding out everything concerning the traffic on your website or blog is made easy with W3Counter.com.
Finding With this free program you can track up to the minute details on the visitors of your site without having to filter through confusing web-talk. By adding a small code to your site W3Counter generates information such as the sites and searches that bring the most visitors to your site, their movement within the site, popular pages, common pages that users leave from, and all user settings. Information specific to the users includes where they are from, their working location, and even their language. W3 uses simple charts and graphs to display the information that can be manipulated to display data between specific dates or display comparisons. Find out exactly what it is like to be a visitor on your page. This program also allows you to make your data public or private, manage websites and your accounts, view RSS feeds, and change email settings. It takes five minutes to set up your free account and within moments you will have all the information you would want to better manage your site. With W3Counter you can make important changes and alterations to your site or blog that will please your visitors without them having to send a comment. And if you thought it couldn’t get any better, there are active discussion boards for any concerns and other cool resources such as a sidebar gadget, global stats, and hosting metrics to help make your blog or website perfect for its users. Give them what they want before they know exactly what that is. More at:http://www.w3counter.com/ Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, August 21, 2007Worklight 2.0- Easy Access to Corporate Data
WorkLight™ is a server-based software product that provides employees with customized and personalized "Web 2.0-style" access to corporate data that reside in enterprise applications.Worklight is a lightweight and simple app that can be easily integrated into your existing network. It brings the goodness of 2.0 into the workplace, making finding and viewing data more approachable and reflexive. The tools and structures used by Worklight are already familiar to workers because that’s what they see all the time on the net, thus you can expect more productivity. For more info- Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology ![]() ![]()
Monday, August 20, 2007Wizlite- make online documents
Users can organize in groups and attach notes to their selections. Wizlite is activated by a bookmarklet or Firefox toolbar extension. Wizlite is great for many applications, such as topic discovery (e.g. for talks) or reviewing.” Anal students and legal interns now have a cool new way to continue highlighting their readings. Now that all schoolwork and documents are posted online people are faced with the challenge of annotating and marking important passages without pen and paper. It is difficult to focus on the black and white screen thus making concepts harder to grasp and remember. Now, Wizlite.com has made it possible to highlight and make notes on online documents. On this site users can also form groups who can work on the same document, but in different colors, to collaborate on projects. Working in groups with online documents has been difficult for students and coworkers because once a change or note has been made, its difficult to stay organized. With Wizlite.com groups can stay coordinated and work better together. The highlighting technique is also useful for conferences, speeches, and lecture planning. More at:http://wizlite.com/ Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology, Tools and softwares ![]() ![]()
Web Gallery Generator-Like PhotoBucket.com and Slideroll
Established in 1997, Komotion provides products and services the help businesses and consumers showcase their digital media online. The Company's flagship product, Shozam Web Gallery Generator brings together the best of professional design and ease of use. The Company is located in Bellevue, WA. More at: http://shozam.com/ Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology, Tools and softwares ![]() ![]()
Sunday, August 19, 2007TubeBattle is a site where videos literally battle it out in a sort of video-off for supremacy
TubeBattle is a community-driven video rating system. With so many videos out there, it's often hard to find time to watch them all. At TubeBattle, we hope to use the power of the computer to find the videos and then use the power of the community to decide which ones are truly outstanding. More at:http://www.tubebattle.com/ Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology ![]() ![]()
TaskBin is "company" management tool.”
Everyone needs to be on the same page. Everyone should have access to everyone else's task list. We do not believe in status reports and weekly status meetings. Everything should be transparent and flat. TaskBin is our "company" management tool.” more at:http://www.taskbin.com/ Via-Visionwiz Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology ![]() ![]()
How To Make Great Money As A Niche Publisher
His New York literary agent had different ideas. She said, "Here's a list of who I'm going to take it to," Becker recalled, "and it was like the 10 biggest publishers in the world. And after the first five turned her down, she said, 'Nobody likes your book. I'm giving up.' " Abandoning hope of seeing his work in print, Becker eventually decided to place it on his Web site, www.beckerfilms.com. That's when Point Blank Publishing, operated by J.T. Lindroos and Kathleen Martin in New Albany, Ind., came to the rescue. "Immediately, J.T. read it and went, 'Hey, that's a good book. I'd like to publish it,' " said Becker, of West Bloomfield, Mich. Now, after a successful debut by "Complete Guide," Point Blank will issue a second Becker book, "Rushes" in a few weeks, and is working on a third from him. "We can publish books that none of the big companies would touch," said Lindroos, who married Martin and moved to the United States from Finland in 2000. "We can publish a book that is, say, half screwball comedy, half mystery and maybe with a dash of science fiction in it," he said. "No big publisher would publish a book like that," because they're focused on mass-market success. The husband-and-wife team own Oiva Design Group. It encompasses their work for the Point Blank label, where Lindroos is senior editor and Martin is senior copy editor. Point Blank is a publishing name or "imprint" of Wildside Press, based in Rockville, Md., which concentrates on science fiction, fantasy and horror under several labels. Point Blank, however, focuses on "hardboiled crime fiction … in the tradition of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler," along with occasional film-oriented titles, Lindroos said. Such niche markets are an important part of publishing, said Tina Jordan, vice president of the Association of American Publishers in New York. Helping to push their success, she said, is on-demand printing, which allows smaller book-printing runs than are practical with traditional methods. On-demand printing -- not to be confused with self-publishing or vanity press operations -- limits the need for warehouse space and gives publishers more control over the number of copies they must print, which is "extremely valuable," Jordan said. Point Blank uses both traditional and on-demand printing, depending on the book to be published, Lindroos said. The Helsinki native got into publishing in the mid-1990s with no formal training, he said. Fluent in English, he was a fan of American movies, but wasn't satisfied with the book covers he saw from one of his favorite U.S. publishers. "I thought, 'I can do better than they are doing,' " said Lindroos, who contacted the publisher and "offered to do it for free." The company liked what it saw, and soon began paying him. At about the same time, Lindroos met Martin, a former actress, through an online discussion group. "We started exchanging e-mails and chatted and then started making phone calls. I guess one thing led to another." The two were wed in January 2000, and later decided to try running their own publishing company -- partly out of necessity. Lindroos had been a Web designer with Sony's Emazing.com in Louisville but was laid off in 2001 as the online-tips company foundered. Because of an illness, Martin lost her job with a music publisher the same year. The couple decided to pool their talents in the publishing venture. "I had been doing layouts for books and things like that. I knew all the technical aspects of making a book, and I knew the printers they were using," he said. In 2003, the couple launched Wit's End Publishing, which offered a mix of new fiction and reprints of crime writers such as Charles Willeford. Wit's End published three books in its first year, but the owners soon found they didn't have enough capital to finance outlays for printing, author advances and other expenses. In 2004, "the idea came to talk to Wildside and ask if they'd be interested in a mystery imprint," said Lindroos, who e-mailed the suggestion to the company. "It took them five minutes to write back and say, "Sure, let's do it.' " Point Blank has since published 26 books, including two novels by veteran writer James Reasoner -- a 2004 reprint of his 1980 novel "Texas Wind" and an original crime novel, "Dust," which came out this summer. Reasoner said he has "worked with the biggest publishers in the business," but has no hesitation to sell books through a small imprint like Point Blank. "They've just really mushroomed over the past few years," Reasoner said. And in many cases, a smaller publisher devotes more attention to its writers than a larger enterprise would, he added. And for the writer, "you certainly can make as much with a small press" as with a big-name publisher, he said. "It depends on how successful a book is." If there was ever a stigma attached to smaller publishers, "I think that's become pretty well overcome," Reasoner said. Lindroos, who has also taken on work as an artist for New Albany award manufacturer Bruce Fox Inc., said his goal is to see Oiva (the Finnish word for super) and Point Blank grow to the point where he won't need a second job. "We still have a lot of books we'd like to publish," he said, and "we seem to be kind of expanding all the time." Funeral Home Invests $100,000 In A Three-Wheeled Harley And Carriage-Style Hearse. More at:http://www.pointblankpress.com/ Labels: Money Making, Recent Technology ![]() ![]()