Thursday, August 16, 2007
If you aren't already familiar with PikiPimp or, the former is a site made by the same people behind this website and you can upload a picture and pimp it out, you can put sunglasses on people, jewelry, eye patches and whatever you think is necessary, the ladder is also made by the same people as this site and its a site where you can customize your own comic strip and import your own characters and everything; for those of you who have been reading KillerStartups for a while you probably have read the reviews for these two sites already. The PikiCentral service is for people that want to put PikiPimp and Comeeko on their site, but they can customize it to look like their own invention.
The Pikicentral offering has been moulded, kicked and battered into shape by not only our team, but also the general internet public yelling down our inboxes.
After our release of Pikipimp in December, we quickly skyrocketed to fame (much to the help of the like of and ). New opportunities quickly presented themselves to us. Emails like this quickly got the teams brain ticking....
more at: Money Making, Recent Technology
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
9:53 AM ::

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