Thursday, September 06, 2007
Why Do People Leave?
As a recruiter, I often look at applicants to our company and wonder why they are leaving their (seemingly) perfect jobs. A quick look at this year's winner in Working America's Bad Boss contest reminds me of all the back stories candidates are (usually) too professional to say.
A glimpse at the 'winning' entry:
My story starts with me being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I am in my early thirites and have not worked since March of this year. My boss threw away the paperwork I sent in and then lied about ever receiving it knowing that filing a complaint for the time I should have received would take months if not years to resolve. Its hard enough just trying to stay alive, let alone trying to pull knifes out of not only my back, but the backs of my wife and children too.
Thank goodness for bad bosses. They allow me to woo great employees away.
So, to all bad bosses out there: keep on with your evil ways----it makes my job much, much easier!Labels: human resource
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
9:57 AM ::

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