Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Finding out everything concerning the traffic on your website or blog is made easy with
Finding out everything concerning the traffic on your website or blog is made easy with
Finding With this free program you can track up to the minute details on the visitors of your site without having to filter through confusing web-talk. By adding a small code to your site W3Counter generates information such as the sites and searches that bring the most visitors to your site, their movement within the site, popular pages, common pages that users leave from, and all user settings. Information specific to the users includes where they are from, their working location, and even their language. W3 uses simple charts and graphs to display the information that can be manipulated to display data between specific dates or display comparisons. Find out exactly what it is like to be a visitor on your page. This program also allows you to make your data public or private, manage websites and your accounts, view RSS feeds, and change email settings. It takes five minutes to set up your free account and within moments you will have all the information you would want to better manage your site. With W3Counter you can make important changes and alterations to your site or blog that will please your visitors without them having to send a comment. And if you thought it couldn’t get any better, there are active discussion boards for any concerns and other cool resources such as a sidebar gadget, global stats, and hosting metrics to help make your blog or website perfect for its users. Give them what they want before they know exactly what that is.
More at: Money Making, Recent Technology
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
10:23 AM ::

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