Monday, August 20, 2007
Wizlite- make online documents
Wizlite is a tool allowing users to collaboratively highlight important passages on pages on the Internet.
Users can organize in groups and attach notes to their selections. Wizlite is activated by a bookmarklet or Firefox toolbar extension.
Wizlite is great for many applications, such as topic discovery (e.g. for talks) or reviewing.”
Anal students and legal interns now have a cool new way to continue highlighting their readings. Now that all schoolwork and documents are posted online people are faced with the challenge of annotating and marking important passages without pen and paper. It is difficult to focus on the black and white screen thus making concepts harder to grasp and remember. Now, has made it possible to highlight and make notes on online documents. On this site users can also form groups who can work on the same document, but in different colors, to collaborate on projects. Working in groups with online documents has been difficult for students and coworkers because once a change or note has been made, its difficult to stay organized. With groups can stay coordinated and work better together. The highlighting technique is also useful for conferences, speeches, and lecture planning.
More at: Money Making, Recent Technology, Tools and softwares
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
10:01 AM ::

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