Thursday, August 16, 2007, this site allows you to create a profile where you list all of you interests, then rate or submit items that interest you, this site allows you to create a profile where you list all of you interests, then rate or submit items that interest you. The site is a digg that allows people with the same interests to help each other find items or to introduce each other to items that they will enjoy. Items can be anything from the most advanced cell phone to an underground band. The items, once submitted can be edited by users who have earned a two star rating. Users earn stars by submitting good/popular items on the site. This is great because if an item you are interested was already submitted and given a description you don’t agree with you can edit it. Basically is a great way to receive and share information on a vas array of subjects.
The idea is that users can find hangouts, news, blog, movies, music, books, tech-devices... and... well... just about anything that other users with the same life style and preferences liked. That is contrary to other social networks that rely on what the author of the specific content has to say about it or to networks that rely on random user input to say what's good for you and what's not. You're never really sure if the users suggesting are in the same state of mind like you are.
More at: Money Making, Recent Technology
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
9:56 AM ::

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