Friday, August 17, 2007 is a useful user-generated site which allows people to post articles that they find interesting and relevant
If you are looking for the latest and greatest information in the engineering field, is a useful user-generated site which allows people to post articles that they find interesting and relevant. In turn, other users may rate these articles, thereby generating a community rank on a scale of “interesting” to “boring” for all submissions. Additionally, one can post or browse in a variety categories dedicated to different sub-field of engineering (for example, chemical, environmental, or civil). The site also maintains a list of the most popular articles, a daily poll, and the latest submissions, and community members also have the option of interacting with one another via email, if they choose to include their personal address along with their post. The content managers also have created a system of evaluating the legitimacy of everyone who post and/or comments on the site (though they do not reveal their methodology).
more at: Money Making, Recent Technology
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
9:54 AM ::

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