Thursday, September 06, 2007
Can your people read people?
Globe reports on a new program that focuses on improving interpersonal communication:
In the workplace, social settings, and family situations, effective communication is key to productive relationships. But different personality types communicate in different ways, often causing communication breakdowns when opposing styles clash. Marriages chafe. Friendships falter. Work product suffers as office mates conflict.
That's why Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., a fast-growing drug-development company headquartered in Central Square, is putting its entire 1,100-person work force through SpeedReading People, a program with New England roots that teaches techniques for rapidly identifying other people's personality types -- and then tailoring your communication style to match theirs.
To denizens of HR, some of this will not be new, based as it is on personality testing and the theories of Carl Jung, familiar turf for those who know Myers-Briggs, including SpeedReading People founder and author Paul Tieger. But approaching the subject in a programmatic, versus individual, fashion, may be new.Labels: human resource
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
10:00 AM ::

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