Friday, August 17, 2007
Domain Log Book is the place for you to track all your domains
Once a person acquires more than a few websites it becomes a bit of a task to keep good track of what exactly is going on with them, what ranks they are, etc. With, all that needs to be done to keep track of multiple websites easily is to input them into the website and after that, the list will be accessible on the home page and all of the Google and Alexa rankings can be seen for all of the different websites on the same page in the same location. This is essentially a one stop tracking shop for owners of multiple domains and websites.
Domain Log Book is the place for you to track all your domains, simply add them to your log book, and see their Google page rank, and Alexa traffic rank on one page.
more at: Money Making, Recent Technology
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
9:50 AM ::

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