Monday, August 27, 2007
How To Handle Workplace Stress
It's enough to make your employees sick!
Productivity is up and so are the number of "bummed out, frazzled and overwhelmed" employees. Combined with the rising cost of health care and health insurance, an aging workforce, and global competitiveness, the U.S. business community is under attack.
While economists, politicians, academics and the media debate the intensity of the The Perfect Labor Storm, employers and their profits are being blown away by this skilled worker crisis. What is not debated even iota is the skyrocketing cost of health care.
One of the most insidious and overlooked causes of these increases are health conditions caused or worsened by workplace stress. What follows are the hard, cold facts of the devastating effects of stress on workers and the unique unrecoverable costs begin absorbed by employers. Just like the saturated ground after days of torrential rains, bottom lines have absorbed all they can take.
To survive The Perfect Labor Storm, employers must first understand that prolonged workplace stress cannot be accepted as "just a fact of life of doing business". Employers have a choice - accept workplace stress as normal and allow the following ravages of stress to overwhelm their workforce or do something about it.
Success Performance Solutions offers a solution to workplace stress. Job matching is a proven solution for placing the right people in the right job on the right teams in the right businesses. Job matching also reduces workplace stress by offering the recognition and rewards that employees value, a motivating culture, and energizing jobs.Labels: human resource, stories
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
9:39 AM ::

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