Wednesday, August 29, 2007
How To Rate Hired Employees?
I am an unabashed follower of the HR philosophy of Jack Welch, former CEO of GE. He is a proponent of a "business-like" approach to HR that emphasizes its critical role in impacting organizational results. Welch is certainly controversial in HR circles because he advocates many things that "softies" in HR regale against, including differentiation in treatment, honest and direct performance appraisals, stretch assignments, and yes, routine firing of individuals who don't produce or fit the system.
His latest foray into HR deals with measuring your "hiring batting average." By advocating the direct measurement of hiring quality, he adds even more credibility to counter the "silly" list of arguments that many in recruiting make against measuring quality of hire.
His support of using a quality of hire measurement is not unique among CEOs. In fact, Nick Burkholder, founder of, notes how "CEOs are interested in all performance metrics, but especially new hire quality!" After six months on the job, new hires should be rated as being below, meeting or exceeding expectations.
Using this simple rating as a guide, the people who recommended the new hire should be given a hiring batting average.
An average of .800 means that 80% of the candidates recommended met or exceeded expectations.
You can also use this method to measure other factors like: - the sources of the good and bad hires. - the assessment process used - the selling points usedLabels: human resource
Posted by "CPerformance" ::
5:32 PM ::

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